On Tuesday, March 11, after a short business meeting, enjoy an art demonstration by a local artist, Paul Loescher.
A graduate of Rhode Island School of Design with both a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Architecture Degree. Paul’s professional life as an architect was spent designing and managing residential, commercial and
educational projects for both private architectural firms and for 25 years as the Facilities Planning Director and
Campus Architect for Southern Connecticut State University.
Paul is now happily retired and pursues his passion for painting watercolors. He paints landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes in vibrant light-filled watercolors. Paul enjoys the outdoors, painting “en plein air" for most of the year, and he also works and teaches watercolor classes in his Clinton, CT studio.
We will meet at LP Wilson Community Center in the community room off the Senior Center, from 6:00-7:45.
Free. Guests always welcome.
860-778-4888 or Kathleentracy5@gmail.com.
261 Broad Street, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 • (860) 688-5165 • info@windsorcc.org
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